As a Stylist or Barber you may have never heard of yourself expiring. What does Ivan Zoot mean by this? Your career has an end and what you need to decide is if you are going to extend your career as long as possible or make the most of your...
Read MoreCutting hair can often become repetitive. The same muscles are exerted in the same ways all day long. It's important to have ergonomic positioning of your hands when using shears. Be a healthy haircutter. Here are Ivan's best tips for shear peak performance.
Read MoreAs a hairdresser or barber, doing hair behind the chair can do wear and tear on the body. Staying healthy means making a conscious effort to maintain health. There are many things that a hair professional can do to stay healthy. Here are some great tips from Ivan Zoot, aka...
Read MoreProper use of a barber chair will help you be a better haircutter, provide better customer service, and will add years to your long term health, wellness and durability behind the chair. Here are Ivan Zoot's best tips!
Read MoreReferring your clients to a dermatologist is a serious matter. As a hair professional you are always looking at the back of clients' heads, an area that clients often don't see. It's up to you to make sure you make the appropriate observations and recommendations so you can inform your...
Read MoreFacebook LIVE replay! As a hair professional there are many health risks you face due to chemical exposure, over use of the hands, stress on the joints and more. How do you maintain the longevity of your career? Keep yourself healthy and incorporate healthy practices. Listen to Ivan Zoot, Clipper...
Read MoreTop 5 Tips for how to maintain healthy hair! Ivan Zoot (Clipper Guy) takes a look at how to keep your hair healthy. Clean, condition, cut off damaged hair, be nice to your hair and use quality products is a good start.
Read MoreNot only is it important to have physical health, but it's important that you have mental health too! Your mental well-being allows you to get through the day with just a little less stress and frustration. Ivan Zoot gives one very important way to achieve and maintain mental health.
Read MoreThere's always that one client who becomes a problem client. You dread this client when he/she comes in. And for some reason this client keeps coming back. Why?! Here's a problem client that Ivan Zoot had and how he remedied the situation. It's important that you set boundaries with clients...
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